Dis connect
Pink yellow purple black orange red volley maroon magenta coat
The right for white blue seven the zero cyan gold margherita
Hello hiss piss coral bam wrinkle fist trench gobble
Carbide ogle fish turn gray skin Tortoise grape
Yellow yellow yellow yellow gorilla thank you jest
Salad chimney pope crinkle bam bam kangaroo onion
Factory mango horn dish wrong yo-yo
Jersey tablet igloo coin pink grotesque ale tarmac kneel
Rattle punk film organ hitherto navy glue sermon trampoline club banana cashew oink cheetos
Rascal paint scaffolding tortue kind mangle star zing
Berry Berry rubber yacht Henry pisces garbage mooooooooooooooooo Harvey
Scar pie Fletcher wish aubergine dink far salmon Herrera rummage ki zombie tomato monkey drop tango butch table Gordon oing rajma arur carburettor Stanley juzz sargent apple dingo tremble
flagella marquee soot camel orifice yen Yusuf collection tardy jam ricochet dapper jellyfish dam sound yak hitherto Cambridge yuck
Truth gargle chain bund tender binge carry sickle calligraphy sin ramification pox usher zen argon belittle taro below charter sushi tarzan pickle fodder play saffron slender yarmolenko police Danish ritual silhouette spank dally zealot cage garnish bloat tinker doom Yash carrot aragon Yankee tryst uncle porche air fetish jupiter Canada mince rank dozen parish tatty orphan zebra cycle farmer bye pendulum taurus time fancy pelvic dinshaw five Kenya hulu mobile hiss trump cyan pike sunny fellow gist dancer plumule.
Do you follow my train of thought? Is anything really random? Everything is connected, everything is pattern. There is no escape. End of discussion.